Command-Line Interface
The MLflow command-line interface (CLI) provides a simple interface to various functionality in MLflow. You can use the CLI to run projects, start the tracking UI, create and list experiments, download run artifacts, serve MLflow Python Function and scikit-learn models, serve MLflow Python Function and scikit-learn models, and serve models on Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and Amazon SageMaker.
Each individual command has a detailed help screen accessible via mlflow command_name --help
It is advisable to set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
environment variable by default,
as the CLI does not automatically connect to a tracking server. Without this,
the CLI will default to using the local filesystem where the command is executed,
rather than connecting to a localhost or remote HTTP server.
to the URL of your desired tracking server is required for most of the commands below.
Table of Contents
Upload, list, and download artifacts from an MLflow artifact repository.
To manage artifacts for a run associated with a tracking server, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to the URL of the desired server.
mlflow artifacts [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Download an artifact file or directory to a local directory. The output is the name of the file or directory on the local filesystem.
Either --artifact-uri
or --run-id
must be provided.
mlflow artifacts download [OPTIONS]
For use with Run ID: if specified, a path relative to the run’s root directory to download
URI pointing to the artifact file or artifacts directory; use as an alternative to specifying –run_id and –artifact-path
Path of the local filesystem destination directory to which to download the specified artifacts. If the directory does not exist, it is created. If unspecified the artifacts are downloaded to a new uniquely-named directory on the local filesystem, unless the artifacts already exist on the local filesystem, in which case their local path is returned directly
Return all the artifacts directly under run’s root artifact directory, or a sub-directory. The output is a JSON-formatted list.
mlflow artifacts list [OPTIONS]
Log a local file as an artifact of a run, optionally within a run-specific artifact path. Run artifacts can be organized into directories, so you can place the artifact in a directory this way.
mlflow artifacts log-artifact [OPTIONS]
Commands for managing an MLflow tracking database.
mlflow db [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Upgrade the schema of an MLflow tracking database to the latest supported version.
IMPORTANT: Schema migrations can be slow and are not guaranteed to be transactional - always take a backup of your database before running migrations. The migrations README, which is located at, describes large migrations and includes information about how to estimate their performance and recover from failures.
mlflow db upgrade [OPTIONS] URL
Deploy MLflow models to custom targets. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions in
You can also write your own plugin for deployment to a custom target. For instructions on writing and distributing a plugin, see
mlflow deployments [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Deploy the model at model_uri
to the specified target.
Additional plugin-specific arguments may also be passed to this command, via -C key=value
mlflow deployments create [OPTIONS]
Extra target-specific config for the model deployment, of the form -C name=value. See documentation/help for your deployment target for a list of supported config options.
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Create an endpoint with the specified name at the specified target.
Additional plugin-specific arguments may also be passed to this command, via -C key=value
mlflow deployments create-endpoint [OPTIONS]
Extra target-specific config for the endpoint, of the form -C name=value. See documentation/help for your deployment target for a list of supported config options.
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Delete the deployment with name given at –name from the specified target.
mlflow deployments delete [OPTIONS]
Extra target-specific config for the model deployment, of the form -C name=value. See documentation/help for your deployment target for a list of supported config options.
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Delete the specified endpoint at the specified target
mlflow deployments delete-endpoint [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Generate explanations of model predictions on the specified input for the deployed model for the given input(s). Explanation output formats vary by deployment target, and can include details like feature importance for understanding/debugging predictions. Run mlflow deployments help or consult the documentation for your plugin for details on explanation format. For information about the input data formats accepted by this function, see the following documentation:
mlflow deployments explain [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Print a detailed description of the deployment with name given at --name
in the specified
mlflow deployments get [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Get details for the specified endpoint at the specified target
mlflow deployments get-endpoint [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Display additional help for a specific deployment target, e.g. info on target-specific config options and the target’s URI format.
mlflow deployments help [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
List the names of all model deployments in the specified target. These names can be used with the delete, update, and get commands.
mlflow deployments list [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
List all endpoints at the specified target
mlflow deployments list-endpoints [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Predict the results for the deployed model for the given input(s)
mlflow deployments predict [OPTIONS]
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Deploy the model locally. This has very similar signature to create
mlflow deployments run-local [OPTIONS]
Extra target-specific config for the model deployment, of the form -C name=value. See documentation/help for your deployment target for a list of supported config options.
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Start MLflow AI Gateway
mlflow deployments start-server [OPTIONS]
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Update the deployment with ID deployment_id in the specified target. You can update the URI of the model and/or the flavor of the deployed model (in which case the model URI must also be specified).
Additional plugin-specific arguments may also be passed to this command, via -C key=value.
mlflow deployments update [OPTIONS]
Extra target-specific config for the model deployment, of the form -C name=value. See documentation/help for your deployment target for a list of supported config options.
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Update the specified endpoint at the specified target.
Additional plugin-specific arguments may also be passed to this command, via -C key=value
mlflow deployments update-endpoint [OPTIONS]
Extra target-specific config for the endpoint, of the form -C name=value. See documentation/help for your deployment target for a list of supported config options.
Required Deployment target URI. Run mlflow deployments help –target-name <target-name> for more details on the supported URI format and config options for a given target. Support is currently installed for deployment to: databricks, http, https, openai, sagemaker
See all supported deployment targets and installation instructions at
Prints out useful information for debugging issues with MLflow.
mlflow doctor [OPTIONS]
Manage experiments. To manage experiments associated with a tracking server, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to the URL of the desired server.
mlflow experiments [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create an experiment.
All artifacts generated by runs related to this experiment will be stored under artifact location, organized under specific run_id sub-directories.
Implementation of experiment and metadata store is dependent on backend storage. FileStore
creates a folder for each experiment ID and stores metadata in meta.yaml
. Runs are stored
as subfolders.
mlflow experiments create [OPTIONS]
Base location for runs to store artifact results. Artifacts will be stored at $artifact_location/$run_id/artifacts. See for more info on the properties of artifact location. If no location is provided, the tracking server will pick a default.
Mark an active experiment for deletion. This also applies to experiment’s metadata, runs and
associated data, and artifacts if they are store in default location. Use list
command to
view artifact location. Command will throw an error if experiment is not found or already
marked for deletion.
Experiments marked for deletion can be restored using restore
command, unless they are
permanently deleted.
Specific implementation of deletion is dependent on backend stores. FileStore
experiments marked for deletion under a .trash
folder under the main folder used to
instantiate FileStore
. Experiments marked for deletion can be permanently deleted by
clearing the .trash
folder. It is recommended to use a cron
job or an alternate
workflow mechanism to clear .trash
mlflow experiments delete [OPTIONS]
Renames an active experiment. Returns an error if the experiment is inactive.
mlflow experiments rename [OPTIONS]
Manage the MLflow Gateway service
mlflow gateway [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Start the MLflow Gateway service
mlflow gateway start [OPTIONS]
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Permanently delete runs in the deleted lifecycle stage from the specified backend store. This command deletes all artifacts and metadata associated with the specified runs. If the provided artifact URL is invalid, the artifact deletion will be bypassed, and the gc process will continue.
If you are running an MLflow tracking server with artifact proxying enabled,
you must set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
environment variable before running
this command. Otherwise, the gc
command will not be able to resolve
artifact URIs and will not be able to delete the associated artifacts.
mlflow gc [OPTIONS]
Optional. Remove run(s) older than the specified time limit. Specify a string in #d#h#m#s format. Float values are also supported. For example: –older-than 1d2h3m4s, –older-than 1.2d3h4m5s
URI of the backend store from which to delete runs. Acceptable URIs are SQLAlchemy-compatible database connection strings (e.g. ‘sqlite:///path/to/file.db’) or local filesystem URIs (e.g. ‘file:///absolute/path/to/directory’). By default, data will be deleted from the ./mlruns directory.
The base artifact location from which to resolve artifact upload/download/list requests (e.g. ‘s3://my-bucket’). This option only applies when the tracking server is configured to stream artifacts and the experiment’s artifact root location is http or mlflow-artifacts URI. Otherwise, the default artifact location will be used.
Optional comma separated list of runs to be permanently deleted. If run ids are not specified, data is removed for all runs in the deleted lifecycle stage.
Optional comma separated list of experiments to be permanently deleted including all of their associated runs. If experiment ids are not specified, data is removed for all experiments in the deleted lifecycle stage.
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Deploy MLflow models locally.
To deploy a model associated with a run on a tracking server, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to the URL of the desired server.
mlflow models [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Builds a Docker image whose default entrypoint serves an MLflow model at port 8080, using the
python_function flavor. The container serves the model referenced by --model-uri
, if
specified when build-docker
is called. If --model-uri
is not specified when build_docker
is called, an MLflow Model directory must be mounted as a volume into the /opt/ml/model
directory in the container.
Building a Docker image with --model-uri
# Build a Docker image named 'my-image-name' that serves the model from run 'some-run-uuid'
# at run-relative artifact path 'my-model'
mlflow models build-docker --model-uri "runs:/some-run-uuid/my-model" --name "my-image-name"
# Serve the model
docker run -p 5001:8080 "my-image-name"
Building a Docker image without --model-uri
# Build a generic Docker image named 'my-image-name'
mlflow models build-docker --name "my-image-name"
# Mount the model stored in '/local/path/to/artifacts/model' and serve it
docker run --rm -p 5001:8080 -v /local/path/to/artifacts/model:/opt/ml/model "my-image-name"
Since MLflow 2.10.1, the Docker image built with --model-uri
does not install Java
for improved performance, unless the model flavor is one of ["johnsnowlabs", "h2o",
"mleap", "spark"]
. If you need to install Java for other flavors, e.g. custom Python model
that uses SparkML, please specify the --install-java
flag to enforce Java installation.
The image built without --model-uri
doesn’t support serving models with RFunc / Java
MLeap model server.
NB: by default, the container will start nginx and gunicorn processes. If you don’t need the nginx process to be started (for instance if you deploy your container to Google Cloud Run), you can disable it via the DISABLE_NGINX environment variable:
docker run -p 5001:8080 -e DISABLE_NGINX=true "my-image-name"
See for more information on the ‘python_function’ flavor.
mlflow models build-docker [OPTIONS]
[Optional] URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
If specified, create an environment for MLmodel using the specified environment manager. The following values are supported:
- local: use the local environment- virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management)- conda: use condaIf unspecified, default to virtualenv.
Install Java in the image. Default is False in order to reduce both the image size and the build time. Model flavors requiring Java will enable this setting automatically, such as the Spark flavor.
If specified and there is a conda or virtualenv environment to be activated mlflow will be installed into the environment after it has been activated. The version of installed mlflow will be the same as the one used to invoke this command.
Enable serving with MLServer through the v2 inference protocol. You can use environment variables to configure MLServer. (See
Generates a directory with Dockerfile whose default entrypoint serves an MLflow model at port
8080 using the python_function flavor. The generated Dockerfile is written to the specified
output directory, along with the model (if specified). This Dockerfile defines an image that
is equivalent to the one produced by mlflow models build-docker
mlflow models generate-dockerfile [OPTIONS]
[Optional] URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
Output directory where the generated Dockerfile is stored.
If specified, create an environment for MLmodel using the specified environment manager. The following values are supported:
- local: use the local environment- virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management)- conda: use condaIf unspecified, default to None, then MLflow will automatically pick the env manager based on the model’s flavor configuration. If model-uri is specified: if python version is specified in the flavor configuration and no java installation is required, then we use local environment. Otherwise we use virtualenv. If no model-uri is provided, we use virtualenv.
Install Java in the image. Default is False in order to reduce both the image size and the build time. Model flavors requiring Java will enable this setting automatically, such as the Spark flavor.
If specified and there is a conda or virtualenv environment to be activated mlflow will be installed into the environment after it has been activated. The version of installed mlflow will be the same as the one used to invoke this command.
Enable serving with MLServer through the v2 inference protocol. You can use environment variables to configure MLServer. (See
Generate predictions in json format using a saved MLflow model. For information about the input data formats accepted by this function, see the following documentation:
mlflow models predict [OPTIONS]
Required URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
File to output results to as json file. If not provided, output to stdout.
If specified, create an environment for MLmodel using the specified environment manager. The following values are supported:
- local: use the local environment- virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management)- conda: use condaIf unspecified, default to virtualenv.
If specified and there is a conda or virtualenv environment to be activated mlflow will be installed into the environment after it has been activated. The version of installed mlflow will be the same as the one used to invoke this command.
Performs any preparation necessary to predict or serve the model, for example downloading dependencies or initializing a conda environment. After preparation, calling predict or serve should be fast.
mlflow models prepare-env [OPTIONS]
Required URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
If specified, create an environment for MLmodel using the specified environment manager. The following values are supported:
- local: use the local environment- virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management)- conda: use condaIf unspecified, default to virtualenv.
Serve a model saved with MLflow by launching a webserver on the specified host and port.
The command supports models with the python_function
or crate
(R Function) flavor.
For information about the input data formats accepted by the webserver, see the following
Models built using MLflow 1.x will require adjustments to the endpoint request payload
if executed in an environment that has MLflow 2.x installed. In 1.x, a request payload
was in the format: {'columns': [str], 'data': [[...]]}
. 2.x models require
payloads that are defined by the structural-defining keys of either dataframe_split
, inputs
or dataframe_records
. See the examples below for
demonstrations of the changes to the invocation API endpoint in 2.0.
Requests made in pandas DataFrame structures can be made in either split or records oriented formats. See for detailed information on orientation formats for converting a pandas DataFrame to json.
$ mlflow models serve -m runs:/my-run-id/model-path &
# records orientation input format for serializing a pandas DataFrame
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"dataframe_records": [{"a":1, "b":2}, {"a":3, "b":4}, {"a":5, "b":6}]
# split orientation input format for serializing a pandas DataFrame
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"dataframe_split": {"columns": ["a", "b"],
"index": [0, 1, 2],
"data": [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}
# inputs format for List submission of array, tensor, or DataFrame data
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"inputs": [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
# instances format for submission of Tensor data
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"instances": [
{"a": "t1", "b": [1, 2, 3]},
{"a": "t2", "b": [4, 5, 6]},
{"a": "t3", "b": [7, 8, 9]}
mlflow models serve [OPTIONS]
Required URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
The network address to listen on (default: Use to bind to all addresses if you want to access the tracking server from other machines.
If specified, create an environment for MLmodel using the specified environment manager. The following values are supported:
- local: use the local environment- virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management)- conda: use condaIf unspecified, default to virtualenv.
If specified and there is a conda or virtualenv environment to be activated mlflow will be installed into the environment after it has been activated. The version of installed mlflow will be the same as the one used to invoke this command.
Enable serving with MLServer through the v2 inference protocol. You can use environment variables to configure MLServer. (See
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Add or remove requirements from a model’s conda.yaml and requirements.txt files. If using a remote tracking server, please make sure to set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to the URL of the desired server.
REQUIREMENT_STRINGS is a list of pip requirements specifiers. See below for examples.
Sample usage:
# Add requirements using the model's "runs:/" URI
mlflow models update-pip-requirements -m runs:/<run_id>/<model_path> \
add "pandas==1.0.0" "scikit-learn" "mlflow >= 2.8, != 2.9.0"
# Remove requirements from a local model
mlflow models update-pip-requirements -m /path/to/local/model \
remove "torchvision" "pydantic"
Note that model registry URIs (i.e. URIs in the form models:/
) are not
supported, as artifacts in the model registry are intended to be read-only.
Editing requirements is read-only artifact repositories is also not supported.
If adding requirements, the function will overwrite any existing requirements that overlap, or else append the new requirements to the existing list.
If removing requirements, the function will ignore any version specifiers, and remove all the specified package names. Any requirements that are not found in the existing files will be ignored.
mlflow models update-pip-requirements [OPTIONS] {add|remove}
Required URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
Run MLflow Recipes and inspect recipe results.
mlflow recipes [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Remove all recipe outputs from the cache, or remove the cached outputs of a particular recipe step if specified. After cached outputs are cleaned for a particular step, the step will be re-executed in its entirety the next time it is run.
mlflow recipes clean [OPTIONS]
Required The name of the recipe profile to use. Profiles customize the configuration of one or more recipe steps, and recipe executions with different profiles often produce different results.
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Get the location of an artifact output from the recipe.
mlflow recipes get-artifact [OPTIONS]
Required The name of the recipe profile to use. Profiles customize the configuration of one or more recipe steps, and recipe executions with different profiles often produce different results.
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Display a visual overview of the recipe graph, or display a summary of results from a particular recipe step if specified. If the specified step has not been executed, nothing is displayed.
mlflow recipes inspect [OPTIONS]
Required The name of the recipe profile to use. Profiles customize the configuration of one or more recipe steps, and recipe executions with different profiles often produce different results.
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Run the full recipe, or run a particular recipe step if specified, producing outputs and displaying a summary of results upon completion.
mlflow recipes run [OPTIONS]
Required The name of the recipe profile to use. Profiles customize the configuration of one or more recipe steps, and recipe executions with different profiles often produce different results.
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Run an MLflow project from the given URI.
For local runs, the run will block until it completes. Otherwise, the project will run asynchronously.
If running locally (the default), the URI can be either a Git repository URI or a local path. If running on Databricks, the URI must be a Git repository.
By default, Git projects run in a new working directory with the given parameters, while local projects run from the project’s root directory.
mlflow run [OPTIONS] URI
Entry point within project. [default: main]. If the entry point is not found, attempts to run the project file with the specified name as a script, using ‘python’ to run .py files and the default shell (specified by environment variable $SHELL) to run .sh files
A parameter for the run, of the form -P name=value. Provided parameters that are not in the list of parameters for an entry point will be passed to the corresponding entry point as command-line arguments in the form –name value
A docker run argument or flag, of the form -A name=value (e.g. -A gpus=all) or -A name (e.g. -A t). The argument will then be passed as docker run –name value or docker run –name respectively.
Name of the experiment under which to launch the run. If not specified, ‘experiment-id’ option will be used to launch run.
Execution backend to use for run. Supported values: ‘local’, ‘databricks’, kubernetes (experimental). Defaults to ‘local’. If running against Databricks, will run against a Databricks workspace determined as follows: if a Databricks tracking URI of the form ‘databricks://profile’ has been set (e.g. by setting the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable), will run against the workspace specified by <profile>. Otherwise, runs against the workspace specified by the default Databricks CLI profile. See for more info on configuring a Databricks CLI profile.
Path to JSON file (must end in ‘.json’) or JSON string which will be passed as config to the backend. The exact content which should be provided is different for each execution backend and is documented at
If specified, create an environment for MLproject using the specified environment manager. The following values are supported:
- local: use the local environment- virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management)- conda: use condaIf unspecified, the appropriate environment manager is automatically selected based on the project configuration. For example, if MLproject.yaml contains a python_env key, virtualenv is used.
Only valid when
is local. MLflow downloads artifacts from distributed URIs passed to parameters of type ‘path’ to subdirectories of storage_dir.
If specified, the given run ID will be used instead of creating a new run. Note: this argument is used internally by the MLflow project APIs and should not be specified.
The name to give the MLflow Run associated with the project execution. If not specified, the MLflow Run name is left unset.
Only valid for Docker projects. If specified, build a new Docker image that’s based on the image specified by the image field in the MLproject file, and contains files in the project directory.
- Default
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Manage runs. To manage runs of experiments associated with a tracking server, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to the URL of the desired server.
mlflow runs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Mark a run for deletion. Return an error if the run does not exist or
is already marked. You can restore a marked run with restore_run
or permanently delete a run in the backend store.
mlflow runs delete [OPTIONS]
All of run details will print to the stdout as JSON format.
mlflow runs describe [OPTIONS]
List all runs of the specified experiment in the configured tracking server.
mlflow runs list [OPTIONS]
Select view type for list experiments. Valid view types are ‘active_only’ (default), ‘deleted_only’, and ‘all’.
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Serve models on SageMaker.
To serve a model associated with a run on a tracking server, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to the URL of the desired server.
mlflow sagemaker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Build new MLflow Sagemaker image, assign it a name, and push to ECR.
This function builds an MLflow Docker image. The image is built locally and it requires Docker to run. The image is pushed to ECR under current active AWS account and to current active AWS region.
mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container [OPTIONS]
If specified, create an environment for MLmodel using the specified environment manager. The following values are supported:
- local: use the local environment- virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management)- conda: use condaIf unspecified, default to virtualenv.
Deploy model on Sagemaker as a batch transform job. Current active AWS account needs to have correct permissions setup.
By default, unless the --async
flag is specified, this command will block until
either the batch transform job completes (definitively succeeds or fails) or the specified
timeout elapses.
mlflow sagemaker deploy-transform-job [OPTIONS]
Required URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
Required The multipurpose internet mail extension (MIME) type of the data
Required The S3 path to store the output results of the Sagemaker transform job
The method to split the transform job’s data files into smaller batches
The method to assemble the results of the transform job as a single S3 object
A JSONPath expression used to select a portion of the input data for the transform job
A JSONPath expression used to select a portion of the output data from the transform job
The type of SageMaker ML instance on which to perform the batch transform job. For a list of supported instance types, see
The number of SageMaker ML instances on which to perform the batch transform job
Path to a file containing a JSON-formatted VPC configuration. This configuration will be used when creating the new SageMaker model associated with this application. For more information, see
The name of the flavor to use for deployment. Must be one of the following: [‘python_function’, ‘mleap’]. If unspecified, a flavor will be automatically selected from the model’s available flavors.
If specified, any SageMaker resources that become inactive after the finished batch transform job are preserved. These resources may include the associated SageMaker models and model artifacts. Otherwise, if –archive is unspecified, these resources are deleted. –archive must be specified when deploying asynchronously with –async.
If specified, this command will return immediately after starting the deployment process. It will not wait for the deployment process to complete. The caller is responsible for monitoring the deployment process via native SageMaker APIs or the AWS console.
If the command is executed synchronously, the deployment process will return after the specified number of seconds if no definitive result (success or failure) is achieved. Once the function returns, the caller is responsible for monitoring the health and status of the pending deployment via native SageMaker APIs or the AWS console. If the command is executed asynchronously using the –async flag, this value is ignored.
Push an MLflow model to Sagemaker model registry. Current active AWS account needs to have correct permissions setup.
mlflow sagemaker push-model [OPTIONS]
Required URI to the model. A local path, a ‘runs:/’ URI, or a remote storage URI (e.g., an ‘s3://’ URI). For more information about supported remote URIs for model artifacts, see
Path to a file containing a JSON-formatted VPC configuration. This configuration will be used when creating the new SageMaker model. For more information, see
Terminate the specified Sagemaker batch transform job. Unless --archive
is specified,
all SageMaker resources associated with the batch transform job are deleted as well.
By default, unless the --async
flag is specified, this command will block until
either the termination process completes (definitively succeeds or fails) or the specified
timeout elapses.
mlflow sagemaker terminate-transform-job [OPTIONS]
If specified, resources associated with the application are preserved. These resources may include unused SageMaker models and model artifacts. Otherwise, if –archive is unspecified, these resources are deleted. –archive must be specified when deleting asynchronously with –async.
If specified, this command will return immediately after starting the termination process. It will not wait for the termination process to complete. The caller is responsible for monitoring the termination process via native SageMaker APIs or the AWS console.
If the command is executed synchronously, the termination process will return after the specified number of seconds if no definitive result (success or failure) is achieved. Once the function returns, the caller is responsible for monitoring the health and status of the pending termination via native SageMaker APIs or the AWS console. If the command is executed asynchronously using the –async flag, this value is ignored.
Run the MLflow tracking server.
The server listens on http://localhost:5000 by default and only accepts connections
from the local machine. To let the server accept connections from other machines, you will need
to pass --host
to listen on all network interfaces
(or a specific interface address).
mlflow server [OPTIONS]
URI to which to persist experiment and run data. Acceptable URIs are SQLAlchemy-compatible database connection strings (e.g. ‘sqlite:///path/to/file.db’) or local filesystem URIs (e.g. ‘file:///absolute/path/to/directory’). By default, data will be logged to the ./mlruns directory.
URI to which to persist registered models. Acceptable URIs are SQLAlchemy-compatible database connection strings (e.g. ‘sqlite:///path/to/file.db’). If not specified, backend-store-uri is used.
Directory in which to store artifacts for any new experiments created. For tracking server backends that rely on SQL, this option is required in order to store artifacts. Note that this flag does not impact already-created experiments with any previous configuration of an MLflow server instance. By default, data will be logged to the mlflow-artifacts:/ uri proxy if the –serve-artifacts option is enabled. Otherwise, the default location will be ./mlruns.
Enables serving of artifact uploads, downloads, and list requests by routing these requests to the storage location that is specified by ‘–artifacts-destination’ directly through a proxy. The default location that these requests are served from is a local ‘./mlartifacts’ directory which can be overridden via the ‘–artifacts-destination’ argument. To disable artifact serving, specify –no-serve-artifacts. Default: True
If specified, configures the mlflow server to be used only for proxied artifact serving. With this mode enabled, functionality of the mlflow tracking service (e.g. run creation, metric logging, and parameter logging) is disabled. The server will only expose endpoints for uploading, downloading, and listing artifacts. Default: False
The base artifact location from which to resolve artifact upload/download/list requests (e.g. ‘s3://my-bucket’). Defaults to a local ‘./mlartifacts’ directory. This option only applies when the tracking server is configured to stream artifacts and the experiment’s artifact root location is http or mlflow-artifacts URI.
The network address to listen on (default: Use to bind to all addresses if you want to access the tracking server from other machines.
Path to the directory where metrics will be stored. If the directory doesn’t exist, it will be created. Activate prometheus exporter to expose metrics on /metrics endpoint.
Application name to be used for the tracking server. If not specified, ‘mlflow.server:app’ will be used.
- Options
basic-auth | basic-auth
If enabled, run the server with debug logging and auto-reload. Should only be used for development purposes. Cannot be used with ‘–gunicorn-opts’. Unsupported on Windows.
- Default
Environment variables
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for
Provide a default for