APIs for interacting with artifacts in MLflow
import json
import pathlib
import tempfile
from typing import Optional
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.protos.databricks_pb2 import BAD_REQUEST, INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE
from mlflow.tracking import _get_store
from mlflow.tracking.artifact_utils import (
[docs]def download_artifacts(
artifact_uri: Optional[str] = None,
run_id: Optional[str] = None,
artifact_path: Optional[str] = None,
dst_path: Optional[str] = None,
tracking_uri: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
"""Download an artifact file or directory to a local directory.
artifact_uri: URI pointing to the artifacts. Supported formats include:
* ``runs:/<run_id>/<artifact_path>``
Example: ``runs:/500cf58bee2b40a4a82861cc31a617b1/my_model.pkl``
* ``models:/<model_name>/<stage>``
Example: ``models:/my_model/Production``
* ``models:/<model_name>/<version>/path/to/model``
Example: ``models:/my_model/2/path/to/model``
* ``models:/<model_name>@<alias>/path/to/model``
Example: ``models:/my_model@staging/path/to/model``
* Cloud storage URIs: ``s3://<bucket>/<path>`` or ``gs://<bucket>/<path>``
* Tracking server artifact URIs: ``http://<host>/mlartifacts`` or
Exactly one of ``artifact_uri`` or ``run_id`` must be specified.
run_id: ID of the MLflow Run containing the artifacts. Exactly one of ``run_id`` or
``artifact_uri`` must be specified.
artifact_path: (For use with ``run_id``) If specified, a path relative to the MLflow
Run's root directory containing the artifacts to download.
dst_path: Path of the local filesystem destination directory to which to download the
specified artifacts. If the directory does not exist, it is created. If
unspecified, the artifacts are downloaded to a new uniquely-named directory on
the local filesystem, unless the artifacts already exist on the local
filesystem, in which case their local path is returned directly.
tracking_uri: The tracking URI to be used when downloading artifacts.
The location of the artifact file or directory on the local filesystem.
if (run_id, artifact_uri).count(None) != 1:
raise MlflowException(
message="Exactly one of `run_id` or `artifact_uri` must be specified",
elif artifact_uri is not None and artifact_path is not None:
raise MlflowException(
message="`artifact_path` cannot be specified if `artifact_uri` is specified",
if dst_path is not None:
pathlib.Path(dst_path).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
if artifact_uri is not None:
return _download_artifact_from_uri(artifact_uri, output_path=dst_path)
artifact_path = artifact_path if artifact_path is not None else ""
store = _get_store(store_uri=tracking_uri)
artifact_uri = store.get_run(run_id).info.artifact_uri
artifact_repo = get_artifact_repository(
add_databricks_profile_info_to_artifact_uri(artifact_uri, tracking_uri)
return artifact_repo.download_artifacts(artifact_path, dst_path=dst_path)
[docs]def list_artifacts(
artifact_uri: Optional[str] = None,
run_id: Optional[str] = None,
artifact_path: Optional[str] = None,
tracking_uri: Optional[str] = None,
"""List artifacts at the specified URI.
artifact_uri: URI pointing to the artifacts, such as
``"models:/my_model/Production"``, or ``"s3://my_bucket/my/file.txt"``.
Exactly one of ``artifact_uri`` or ``run_id`` must be specified.
run_id: ID of the MLflow Run containing the artifacts. Exactly one of ``run_id`` or
``artifact_uri`` must be specified.
artifact_path: (For use with ``run_id``) If specified, a path relative to the MLflow
Run's root directory containing the artifacts to list.
tracking_uri: The tracking URI to be used when list artifacts.
List of artifacts as FileInfo listed directly under path.
if (run_id, artifact_uri).count(None) != 1:
raise MlflowException.invalid_parameter_value(
message="Exactly one of `run_id` or `artifact_uri` must be specified",
elif artifact_uri is not None and artifact_path is not None:
raise MlflowException.invalid_parameter_value(
message="`artifact_path` cannot be specified if `artifact_uri` is specified",
if artifact_uri is not None:
root_uri, artifact_path = _get_root_uri_and_artifact_path(artifact_uri)
return get_artifact_repository(artifact_uri=root_uri).list_artifacts(artifact_path)
store = _get_store(store_uri=tracking_uri)
artifact_uri = store.get_run(run_id).info.artifact_uri
artifact_repo = get_artifact_repository(
add_databricks_profile_info_to_artifact_uri(artifact_uri, tracking_uri)
return artifact_repo.list_artifacts(artifact_path)
[docs]def load_text(artifact_uri: str) -> str:
"""Loads the artifact contents as a string.
artifact_uri: Artifact location.
The contents of the artifact as a string.
.. code-block:: python
:caption: Example
import mlflow
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
artifact_uri = run.info.artifact_uri
mlflow.log_text("This is a sentence", "file.txt")
file_content = mlflow.artifacts.load_text(artifact_uri + "/file.txt")
.. code-block:: text
:caption: Output
This is a sentence
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
local_artifact = download_artifacts(artifact_uri, dst_path=tmpdir)
with open(local_artifact) as local_artifact_fd:
return str(local_artifact_fd.read())
except Exception:
raise MlflowException("Unable to form a str object from file content", BAD_REQUEST)
[docs]def load_dict(artifact_uri: str) -> dict:
"""Loads the artifact contents as a dictionary.
artifact_uri: artifact location.
A dictionary.
.. code-block:: python
:caption: Example
import mlflow
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
artifact_uri = run.info.artifact_uri
mlflow.log_dict({"mlflow-version": "0.28", "n_cores": "10"}, "config.json")
config_json = mlflow.artifacts.load_dict(artifact_uri + "/config.json")
.. code-block:: text
:caption: Output
{'mlflow-version': '0.28', 'n_cores': '10'}
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
local_artifact = download_artifacts(artifact_uri, dst_path=tmpdir)
with open(local_artifact) as local_artifact_fd:
return json.load(local_artifact_fd)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
raise MlflowException("Unable to form a JSON object from file content", BAD_REQUEST)
[docs]def load_image(artifact_uri: str):
"""Loads artifact contents as a ``PIL.Image.Image`` object
artifact_uri: Artifact location.
A PIL.Image object.
.. code-block:: python
:caption: Example
import mlflow
from PIL import Image
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
image = Image.new("RGB", (100, 100))
artifact_uri = run.info.artifact_uri
mlflow.log_image(image, "image.png")
image = mlflow.artifacts.load_image(artifact_uri + "/image.png")
.. code-block:: text
:caption: Output
<PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGB size=100x100 at 0x11D2FA3D0>
from PIL import Image
except ImportError as exc:
raise ImportError(
"`load_image` requires Pillow. Please install it via: pip install Pillow"
) from exc
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
local_artifact = download_artifacts(artifact_uri, dst_path=tmpdir)
image_obj = Image.open(local_artifact)
return image_obj
except Exception:
raise MlflowException(
"Unable to form a PIL Image object from file content", BAD_REQUEST