Source code for

import json
import logging
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from import Dataset
from import DatasetSource
from import compute_numpy_digest
from import EvaluationDataset
from import PyFuncConvertibleDatasetMixin, PyFuncInputsOutputs
from import TensorDatasetSchema
from mlflow.types.utils import _infer_schema

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NumpyDataset(Dataset, PyFuncConvertibleDatasetMixin): """ Represents a NumPy dataset for use with MLflow Tracking. """ def __init__( self, features: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], source: DatasetSource, targets: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, digest: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Args: features: A numpy array or dictionary of numpy arrays containing dataset features. source: The source of the numpy dataset. targets: A numpy array or dictionary of numpy arrays containing dataset targets. Optional. name: The name of the dataset. E.g. "wiki_train". If unspecified, a name is automatically generated. digest: The digest (hash, fingerprint) of the dataset. If unspecified, a digest is automatically computed. """ self._features = features self._targets = targets super().__init__(source=source, name=name, digest=digest) def _compute_digest(self) -> str: """ Computes a digest for the dataset. Called if the user doesn't supply a digest when constructing the dataset. """ return compute_numpy_digest(self._features, self._targets)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Create config dictionary for the dataset. Returns a string dictionary containing the following fields: name, digest, source, source type, schema, and profile. """ schema = json.dumps(self.schema.to_dict()) if self.schema else None config = super().to_dict() config.update( { "schema": schema, "profile": json.dumps(self.profile), } ) return config
@property def source(self) -> DatasetSource: """ The source of the dataset. """ return self._source @property def features(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """ The features of the dataset. """ return self._features @property def targets(self) -> Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]]: """ The targets of the dataset. May be ``None`` if no targets are available. """ return self._targets @property def profile(self) -> Optional[Any]: """ A profile of the dataset. May be ``None`` if a profile cannot be computed. """ def get_profile_attribute(numpy_data, attr_name): if isinstance(numpy_data, dict): return {key: getattr(array, attr_name) for key, array in numpy_data.items()} else: return getattr(numpy_data, attr_name) profile = { "features_shape": get_profile_attribute(self._features, "shape"), "features_size": get_profile_attribute(self._features, "size"), "features_nbytes": get_profile_attribute(self._features, "nbytes"), } if self._targets is not None: profile.update( { "targets_shape": get_profile_attribute(self._targets, "shape"), "targets_size": get_profile_attribute(self._targets, "size"), "targets_nbytes": get_profile_attribute(self._targets, "nbytes"), } ) return profile @cached_property def schema(self) -> Optional[TensorDatasetSchema]: """ MLflow TensorSpec schema representing the dataset features and targets (optional). """ try: features_schema = _infer_schema(self._features) targets_schema = None if self._targets is not None: targets_schema = _infer_schema(self._targets) return TensorDatasetSchema(features=features_schema, targets=targets_schema) except Exception as e: _logger.warning("Failed to infer schema for NumPy dataset. Exception: %s", e) return None def to_pyfunc(self) -> PyFuncInputsOutputs: """ Converts the dataset to a collection of pyfunc inputs and outputs for model evaluation. Required for use with mlflow.evaluate(). """ return PyFuncInputsOutputs(self._features, self._targets) def to_evaluation_dataset(self, path=None, feature_names=None) -> EvaluationDataset: """ Converts the dataset to an EvaluationDataset for model evaluation. Required for use with mlflow.sklearn.evalute(). """ return EvaluationDataset( data=self._features, targets=self._targets, path=path, feature_names=feature_names, )
[docs]def from_numpy( features: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], source: Union[str, DatasetSource] = None, targets: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, digest: Optional[str] = None, ) -> NumpyDataset: """ Constructs a :py:class:`NumpyDataset <>` object from NumPy features, optional targets, and source. If the source is path like, then this will construct a DatasetSource object from the source path. Otherwise, the source is assumed to be a DatasetSource object. Args: features: NumPy features, represented as an np.ndarray or dictionary of named np.ndarrays. source: The source from which the numpy data was derived, e.g. a filesystem path, an S3 URI, an HTTPS URL, a delta table name with version, or spark table etc. ``source`` may be specified as a URI, a path-like string, or an instance of :py:class:`DatasetSource <>`. If unspecified, the source is assumed to be the code location (e.g. notebook cell, script, etc.) where :py:func:`from_numpy <>` is being called. targets: Optional NumPy targets, represented as an np.ndarray or dictionary of named np.ndarrays. name: The name of the dataset. If unspecified, a name is generated. digest: The dataset digest (hash). If unspecified, a digest is computed automatically. .. code-block:: python :test: :caption: Basic Example import mlflow import numpy as np x = np.random.uniform(size=[2, 5, 4]) y = np.random.randint(2, size=[2]) dataset =, targets=y) .. code-block:: python :test: :caption: Dict Example import mlflow import numpy as np x = { "feature_1": np.random.uniform(size=[2, 5, 4]), "feature_2": np.random.uniform(size=[2, 5, 4]), } y = np.random.randint(2, size=[2]) dataset =, targets=y) """ from import CodeDatasetSource from import resolve_dataset_source from mlflow.tracking.context import registry if source is not None: if isinstance(source, DatasetSource): resolved_source = source else: resolved_source = resolve_dataset_source( source, ) else: context_tags = registry.resolve_tags() resolved_source = CodeDatasetSource(tags=context_tags) return NumpyDataset( features=features, source=resolved_source, targets=targets, name=name, digest=digest )