import base64
import functools
import inspect
import json
import logging
import posixpath
import re
import textwrap
import warnings
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from mlflow.environment_variables import MLFLOW_GATEWAY_URI
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.utils.uri import append_to_uri_path
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_gateway_uri: Optional[str] = None
def is_valid_endpoint_name(name: str) -> bool:
Check whether a string contains any URL reserved characters, spaces, or characters other
than alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, and dot.
Returns True if the string doesn't contain any of these characters.
return bool(re.fullmatch(r"[\w\-\.]+", name))
def check_configuration_route_name_collisions(config):
routes = config.get("routes") or config.get("endpoints") or []
if len(routes) < 2:
names = [route["name"] for route in routes]
if len(names) != len(set(names)):
raise MlflowException.invalid_parameter_value(
"Duplicate names found in endpoint configurations. Please remove the duplicate endpoint"
" name from the configuration to ensure that endpoints are created properly."
def check_configuration_deprecated_fields(config):
if "routes" in config:
"The 'routes' configuration key has been deprecated and will be removed in an"
" upcoming release. Use 'endpoints' instead.",
routes = config.get("routes", []) or config.get("endpoints", [])
for route in routes:
if "route_type" in route:
"The 'route_type' configuration key has been deprecated and will be removed in an"
" upcoming release. Use 'endpoint_type' instead.",
def kill_child_processes(parent_pid):
Gracefully terminate or kill child processes from a main process
import psutil
parent = psutil.Process(parent_pid)
for child in parent.children(recursive=True):
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
_, still_alive = psutil.wait_procs(parent.children(), timeout=3)
for p in still_alive:
def _is_valid_uri(uri: str):
Evaluates the basic structure of a provided gateway uri to determine if the scheme and
netloc are provided
if uri == "databricks":
return True
parsed = urlparse(uri)
return parsed.scheme == "databricks" or all([parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc])
except ValueError:
return False
def _get_indent(s: str) -> str:
for l in s.splitlines():
if l.startswith(" "):
return " " * (len(l) - len(l.lstrip()))
return ""
def _prepend(docstring: Optional[str], text: str) -> str:
if not docstring:
return text
indent = _get_indent(docstring)
return f"""
{textwrap.indent(text, indent)}
def gateway_deprecated(obj):
msg = (
"MLflow AI gateway is deprecated and has been replaced by the deployments API for "
"generative AI. See for "
warning = f"""
.. warning::
if inspect.isclass(obj):
original = obj.__init__
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return original(*args, **kwargs)
obj.__init__ = wrapper
obj.__init__.__doc__ = _prepend(obj.__init__.__doc__, warning)
return obj
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return obj(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper.__doc__ = _prepend(obj.__doc__, warning)
return wrapper
def set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri: str):
"""Sets the uri of a configured and running MLflow AI Gateway server in a global context.
Providing a valid uri and calling this function is required in order to use the MLflow
AI Gateway fluent APIs.
gateway_uri: The full uri of a running MLflow AI Gateway server or, if running on
Databricks, "databricks".
if not _is_valid_uri(gateway_uri):
raise MlflowException.invalid_parameter_value(
"The gateway uri provided is missing required elements. Ensure that the schema "
"and netloc are provided."
global _gateway_uri
_gateway_uri = gateway_uri
def get_gateway_uri() -> str:
Returns the currently set MLflow AI Gateway server uri iff set.
If the Gateway uri has not been set by using ``set_gateway_uri``, an ``MlflowException``
is raised.
if _gateway_uri is not None:
return _gateway_uri
elif uri := MLFLOW_GATEWAY_URI.get():
return uri
raise MlflowException(
"No Gateway server uri has been set. Please either set the MLflow Gateway URI via "
"`mlflow.gateway.set_gateway_uri()` or set the environment variable "
f"{MLFLOW_GATEWAY_URI} to the running Gateway API server's uri"
def assemble_uri_path(paths: list[str]) -> str:
"""Assemble a correct URI path from a list of path parts.
paths: A list of strings representing parts of a URI path.
A string representing the complete assembled URI path.
stripped_paths = [path.strip("/").lstrip("/") for path in paths if path]
return "/" + posixpath.join(*stripped_paths) if stripped_paths else "/"
def resolve_route_url(base_url: str, route: str) -> str:
Performs a validation on whether the returned value is a fully qualified url (as the case
with Databricks) or requires the assembly of a fully qualified url by appending the
Route return route_url to the base url of the AI Gateway server.
base_url: The base URL. Should include the scheme and domain, e.g.,
route: The route to be appended to the base URL, e.g., ``/api/2.0/gateway/routes/`` or,
in the case of Databricks, the fully qualified url.
The complete URL, either directly returned or formed and returned by joining the
base URL and the route path.
return route if _is_valid_uri(route) else append_to_uri_path(base_url, route)
class SearchRoutesToken:
def __init__(self, index: int):
self._index = index
def index(self):
return self._index
def decode(cls, encoded_token: str):
decoded_token = base64.b64decode(encoded_token)
parsed_token = json.loads(decoded_token)
index = int(parsed_token.get("index"))
except Exception as e:
raise MlflowException.invalid_parameter_value(
f"Invalid SearchRoutes token: {encoded_token}. The index is not defined as a "
"value that can be represented as a positive integer."
) from e
if index < 0:
raise MlflowException.invalid_parameter_value(
f"Invalid SearchRoutes token: {encoded_token}. The index cannot be negative."
return cls(index=index)
def encode(self) -> str:
token_json = json.dumps(
"index": self.index,
encoded_token_bytes = base64.b64encode(bytes(token_json, "utf-8"))
return encoded_token_bytes.decode("utf-8")
def is_valid_mosiacml_chat_model(model_name: str) -> bool:
return any(
def is_valid_ai21labs_model(model_name: str) -> bool:
return model_name in {"j2-ultra", "j2-mid", "j2-light"}
def strip_sse_prefix(s: str) -> str:
return re.sub(r"^data:\s+", "", s)
def to_sse_chunk(data: str) -> str:
return f"data: {data}\n\n"
def _find_boundary(buffer: bytes) -> int:
return buffer.index(b"\n")
except ValueError:
return -1
async def handle_incomplete_chunks(
stream: AsyncGenerator[bytes, Any],
) -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, Any]:
Wraps a streaming response and handles incomplete chunks from the server.
for more information.
buffer = b""
async for chunk in stream:
buffer += chunk
while (boundary := _find_boundary(buffer)) != -1:
yield buffer[:boundary]
buffer = buffer[boundary + 1 :]
async def make_streaming_response(resp):
from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse
if isinstance(resp, AsyncGenerator):
return StreamingResponse(
(to_sse_chunk(d.json()) async for d in resp),
return await resp