Deploy MLflow Model to Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service designed for scaling ML inference containers. MLflow simplifies the deployment process by offering easy-to-use commands without the need for writing container definitions.

If you are new to MLflow model deployment, please read MLflow Deployment first to understand the basic concepts of MLflow models and deployments.

How it works

SageMaker features a capability called Bring Your Own Container (BYOC), which allows you to run custom Docker containers on the inference endpoint. These containers must meet specific requirements, such as running a web server that exposes certain REST endpoints, having a designated container entrypoint, setting environment variables, etc. Writing a Dockerfile and serving script that meets these requirements can be a tedious task.

MLflow automates the process by building a Docker image from the MLflow Model on your behalf. Subsequently, it pushed the image to Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and creates a SageMaker endpoint using this image. It also uploads the model artifact to an S3 bucket and configures the endpoint to download the model from there.

The container provides the same REST endpoints as a local inference server. For instance, the /invocations endpoint accepts CSV and JSON input data and returns prediction results. For more details on the endpoints, refer to Local Inference Server.


In addition to the general pyfunc deployment (default), SageMaker deployment also supports the mleap flavor. For this deployment flavor, the endpoint only accepts JSON-serialized pandas DataFrames in the split orientation, like data = pandas_df.to_json(orient='split'). This format is specified using a Content-Type request header value of application/json.

Deploying Model to SageMaker Endpoint

This section outlines the process of deploying a model to SageMaker using the MLflow CLI. For Python API references and tutorials, see the Useful links section.

Step 0: Preparation

Install Tools

Ensure the installation of the following tools if not already done:

Permissions Setup

Set up AWS accounts and permissions correctly. You need an IAM role with permissions to create a SageMaker endpoint, access an S3 bucket, and use the ECR repository. This role should also be assumable by the user performing the deployment. Learn more about this setup at Use an IAM role in the AWS CLI.

Create an MLflow Model

Before deploying, you must have an MLflow Model. If you don’t have one, you can create a sample scikit-learn model by following the MLflow Tracking Quickstart. Remember to note down the model URI, such as runs:/<run_id>/<artifact_path> (or models:/<model_name>/<model_version> if you registered the model in the MLflow Model Registry).

Step 1: Test your model locally

It’s recommended to test your model locally before deploying it to a production environment. The mlflow deployments run-local command deploys the model in a Docker container with an identical image and environment configuration, making it ideal for pre-deployment testing.

mlflow deployments run-local -t sagemaker -m runs:/<run_id>/model -p 5000

You can then test the model by sending a POST request to the endpoint:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json; format=pandas-split" --data '{"columns":["a","b"],"data":[[1,2]]}' http://localhost:5000/invocations

Step 2: Build a Docker Image and Push to ECR

The mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container command builds a Docker image compatible with SageMaker and uploads it to ECR.

$ mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container  -m runs:/<run_id>/model

Alternatively, you can create a custom Docker image using the official MLflow Docker image and manually push it to ECR.

Step 3: Deploy to SageMaker Endpoint

The mlflow deployments create command deploys the model to an Amazon SageMaker endpoint. MLflow uploads the Python Function model to S3 and automatically initiates an Amazon SageMaker endpoint serving the model.

Various command-line options are available to customize the deployment, such as instance type, count, IAM role, etc. Refer to the CLI reference for a complete list of options.

$ mlflow deployments create -t sagemaker -m runs:/<run_id>/model \
    -C region_name=<your-region> \
    -C instance-type=ml.m4.xlarge \
    -C instance-count=1 \
    -C env='{"DISABLE_NGINX": "true"}''

API Reference

You have two options for deploying a model to SageMaker: using the CLI or the Python API.
