Configuring and Starting the gateway server
Step 1: Install
First, install MLflow along with the genai
extras to get access to a range of serving-related
dependencies, including uvicorn
and fastapi
. Note that direct dependencies on OpenAI are
unnecessary, as all supported providers are abstracted from the developer.
pip install 'mlflow[genai]'
Step 2: Set the OpenAI Token as an Environment Variable
Next, set the OpenAI API key as an environment variable in your CLI.
This approach allows the MLflow AI Gateway to read the sensitive API key safely, reducing the risk of leaking the token in code. The gateway server, when started, will read the value set by this environment variable without any additional action required.
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key_here
Step 3: Configure the gateway server
Third, set up several routes for the gateway server to host. The configuration of the gateway server is done through editing a YAML file that is read by the server initialization command (covered in step 4).
Notably, the gateway server allows real-time updates to an active server through the YAML configuration; service restart is not required for changes to take effect and can instead be done simply by editing the configuration file that is defined at server start, permitting dynamic route creation without downtime of the service.
- name: completions
endpoint_type: llm/v1/completions
provider: openai
name: gpt-4o-mini
openai_api_key: $OPENAI_API_KEY
- name: chat
endpoint_type: llm/v1/chat
provider: openai
name: gpt-4
openai_api_key: $OPENAI_API_KEY
- name: chat_3.5
endpoint_type: llm/v1/chat
provider: openai
name: gpt-4o-mini
openai_api_key: $OPENAI_API_KEY
- name: embeddings
endpoint_type: llm/v1/embeddings
provider: openai
name: text-embedding-ada-002
openai_api_key: $OPENAI_API_KEY
Step 4: Start the Server
Fourth, let’s test the gateway server!
To launch the gateway server using a YAML config file, use the deployments CLI command.
The gateway server will automatically start on localhost
at port 5000
, accessible via
the URL: http://localhost:5000
. To modify these default settings, use the
mlflow gateway start --help
command to view additional configuration options.
mlflow gateway start --config-path config.yaml
MLflow AI Gateway automatically creates API docs. You can validate your deployment server is running by viewing the docs. Go to http://{host}:{port} in your web browser.