Create a dataset about apples
In order to produce some meaningful data (and a model) for us to log to MLflow, we’ll need a dataset. In the interests of sticking with our theme of modeling demand for produce sales, this data will actually need to be about apples.
There’s a distinctly miniscule probability of finding an actual dataset on the internet about this, so we can just roll up our sleeves and make our own.
Defining a dataset generator
For our examples to work, we’re going to need something that can actually fit, but not something that
fits too well. We’re going to be training multiple iterations in order to show the effect of modifying
our model’s hyperparameters, so there needs to be some amount of unexplained variance in the feature set.
However, we need some degree of correlation between our target variable (demand
, in the case of our
apples sales data that we want to predict) and the feature set.
We can introduce this correlation by crafting a relationship between our features and our target. The random elements of some of the factors will handle the unexplained variance portion.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def generate_apple_sales_data_with_promo_adjustment(
base_demand: int = 1000, n_rows: int = 5000
Generates a synthetic dataset for predicting apple sales demand with seasonality
and inflation.
This function creates a pandas DataFrame with features relevant to apple sales.
The features include date, average_temperature, rainfall, weekend flag, holiday flag,
promotional flag, price_per_kg, and the previous day's demand. The target variable,
'demand', is generated based on a combination of these features with some added noise.
base_demand (int, optional): Base demand for apples. Defaults to 1000.
n_rows (int, optional): Number of rows (days) of data to generate. Defaults to 5000.
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with features and target variable for apple sales prediction.
>>> df = generate_apple_sales_data_with_seasonality(base_demand=1200, n_rows=6000)
>>> df.head()
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Create date range
dates = [ - timedelta(days=i) for i in range(n_rows)]
# Generate features
df = pd.DataFrame(
"date": dates,
"average_temperature": np.random.uniform(10, 35, n_rows),
"rainfall": np.random.exponential(5, n_rows),
"weekend": [(date.weekday() >= 5) * 1 for date in dates],
"holiday": np.random.choice([0, 1], n_rows, p=[0.97, 0.03]),
"price_per_kg": np.random.uniform(0.5, 3, n_rows),
"month": [date.month for date in dates],
# Introduce inflation over time (years)
df["inflation_multiplier"] = (
1 + (df["date"].dt.year - df["date"].dt.year.min()) * 0.03
# Incorporate seasonality due to apple harvests
df["harvest_effect"] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (df["month"] - 3) / 12) + np.sin(
2 * np.pi * (df["month"] - 9) / 12
# Modify the price_per_kg based on harvest effect
df["price_per_kg"] = df["price_per_kg"] - df["harvest_effect"] * 0.5
# Adjust promo periods to coincide with periods lagging peak harvest by 1 month
peak_months = [4, 10] # months following the peak availability
df["promo"] = np.where(
np.random.choice([0, 1], n_rows, p=[0.85, 0.15]),
# Generate target variable based on features
base_price_effect = -df["price_per_kg"] * 50
seasonality_effect = df["harvest_effect"] * 50
promo_effect = df["promo"] * 200
df["demand"] = (
+ base_price_effect
+ seasonality_effect
+ promo_effect
+ df["weekend"] * 300
+ np.random.normal(0, 50, n_rows)
) * df[
] # adding random noise
# Add previous day's demand
df["previous_days_demand"] = df["demand"].shift(1)
method="bfill", inplace=True
) # fill the first row
# Drop temporary columns
df.drop(columns=["inflation_multiplier", "harvest_effect", "month"], inplace=True)
return df
Generate the data using the method we just prepared and save its result.
data = generate_apple_sales_data_with_promo_adjustment(base_demand=1_000, n_rows=1_000)
In the next section, we’ll both use this generator for its output (the data set), and as an example for how to leverage MLflow Tracking as part of a prototyping phase for a project.