Automatic Logging with MLflow Tracking
Auto logging is a powerful feature that allows you to log metrics, parameters, and models without the need for explicit log statements. All you need to do is to call
before your training code.
import mlflow
with mlflow.start_run():
# your training code goes here
This will enable MLflow to automatically log various information about your run, including:
Metrics - MLflow pre-selects a set of metrics to log, based on what model and library you use
Parameters - hyper params specified for the training, plus default values provided by the library if not explicitly set
Model Signature - logs Model signature instance, which describes input and output schema of the model
Artifacts - e.g. model checkpoints
Dataset - dataset object used for training (if applicable), such as
How to Get started
Step 1 - Get MLflow
MLflow is available on PyPI. If you don’t already have it installed on your system, you can install it with:
pip install mlflow
Step 2 - Insert mlflow.autolog
in Your Code
For example, following code snippet shows how to enable autologging for a scikit-learn model:
import mlflow
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
db = load_diabetes()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,
rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=6, max_features=3)
# MLflow triggers logging automatically upon model fitting, y_train)
Step 4 - View Your Results in the MLflow UI
Once your training job finishes, you can run following command to launch the MLflow UI:
mlflow ui --port 8080
Then, navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser to view the results.
Customize Autologging Behavior
You can also control the behavior of autologging by passing arguments to mlflow.autolog()
For example, you can disable logging of model checkpoints and assosiate tags with your run as follows:
import mlflow
extra_tags={"YOUR_TAG": "VALUE"},
See mlflow.autolog()
for the full set of arguments you can use.
Enable / Disable Autologging for Specific Libraries
One common use case is to enable/disable autologging for a specific library. For example, if you train your model on PyTorch but use scikit-learn
for data preprocessing, you may want to disable autologging for scikit-learn while keeping it enabled for PyTorch. You can achieve this by either
(1) enable autologging only for PyTorch using PyTorch flavor (2) disable autologging for scikit-learn using its flavor with disable=True
import mlflow
# Option 1: Enable autologging only for PyTorch
# Option 2: Disable autologging for scikit-learn, but enable it for other libraries
Supported Libraries
The generic autolog function mlflow.autolog()
enables autologging for each supported library you have installed as soon as you import it.
Alternatively, you can use library-specific autolog calls such as mlflow.pytorch.autolog()
to explicitly enable (or disable) autologging for a particular library.
The following libraries support autologging:
For flavors that automatically save models as an artifact, additional files for dependency management are logged.
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.fastai.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of metrics and parameters.
See an example usage with Fastai.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
fastai |
user-specified metrics |
Logs optimizer data as parameters. For example,
– |
Model checkpoints are logged to a ‘models’ directory; MLflow Model (fastai Learner model) on training end; Model summary text is logged |
Call the generic autolog function or mlflow.tensorflow.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of metrics and parameters. As an example, try running the Keras/Tensorflow example.
Note that only versions of tensorflow>=2.3
are supported.
The respective metrics associated with tf.estimator
and EarlyStopping
are automatically logged.
As an example, try running the Keras/TensorFlow example.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework/module |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Training loss; validation loss; user-specified metrics |
– |
Model summary on training start; MLflow Model (Keras model); TensorBoard logs on training end |
Metrics from the |
– |
– |
If no active run exists when autolog()
captures data, MLflow will automatically create a run to log information to.
Also, MLflow will then automatically end the run once training ends via calls to
If a run already exists when autolog()
captures data, MLflow will log to that run but not automatically end that run after training. You will have to manually stop the run if you wish to start a new run context for logging to a new run.
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.langchain.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of traces. See LangChain Autologging for more details.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
LangChain |
– |
– |
– |
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.llama_index.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of traces.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
LlamaIndex |
– |
– |
– |
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.lightgbm.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of metrics and parameters.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
LightGBM |
user-specified metrics |
lightgbm.train parameters |
– |
MLflow Model (LightGBM model) with model signature on training end; feature importance; input example |
If early stopping is activated, metrics at the best iteration will be logged as an extra step/iteration.
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.openai.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of artifacts.
See an example usage with OpenAI.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
OpenAI |
– |
– |
– |
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.paddle.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of metrics and parameters.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Paddle |
user-specified metrics | parameters |
– |
MLflow Model (Paddle model) with model signature on training end |
before your training code to enable automatic logging of metrics, params, and models.
See example usage with PySpark.
Autologging for pyspark ml estimators captures the following information:
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Post training metrics obtained by
Parameters obtained by
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.pytorch.autolog()
before your PyTorch Lightning training code to enable automatic logging of metrics, parameters, and models. See example usages here. Note
that currently, PyTorch autologging supports only models trained using PyTorch Lightning.
Autologging is triggered on calls to
and captures the following information:
Framework/module |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Training loss; validation loss; average_test_accuracy; user-defined-metrics. |
– |
Model summary on training start, MLflow Model (PyTorch model) on training end; |
Training loss; validation loss; average_test_accuracy;
Metrics from the |
– |
Model summary on training start; MLflow Model (PyTorch model) on training end; Best PyTorch model checkpoint, if training stops due to early stopping callback. |
If no active run exists when autolog()
captures data, MLflow will automatically create a run to log information, ending the run once
the call to
If a run already exists when autolog()
captures data, MLflow will log to that run but not automatically end that run after training.
Parameters not explicitly passed by users (parameters that use default values) while using
are not currently automatically loggedIn case of a multi-optimizer scenario (such as usage of autoencoder), only the parameters for the first optimizer are logged
Call mlflow.sklearn.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of sklearn metrics, params, and models.
See example usage here.
Autologging for estimators (e.g. LinearRegression) and meta estimators (e.g. Pipeline) creates a single run and logs:
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Training score obtained
by |
Parameters obtained by
Fitted estimator |
Autologging for parameter search estimators (e.g. GridSearchCV) creates a single parent run and nested child runs
- Parent run
- Child run 1
- Child run 2
- ...
containing the following data:
Run type |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Parent |
Training score |
Child |
CV test score for each parameter combination |
Each parameter combination |
– |
Initialize a SparkSession with the mlflow-spark JAR attached (e.g.
SparkSession.builder.config("spark.jars.packages", "org.mlflow.mlflow-spark")
) and then
call the generic autolog function mlflow.spark.autolog()
to enable automatic logging of Spark datasource
information at read-time, without the need for explicit
log statements. Note that autologging of Spark ML (MLlib) models is not yet supported.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Spark |
– |
– |
Single tag containing source path, version, format. The tag contains one line per datasource |
– |
Moreover, Spark datasource autologging occurs asynchronously - as such, it’s possible (though unlikely) to see race conditions when launching short-lived MLflow runs that result in datasource information not being logged.
With Pyspark 3.2.0 or above, Spark datasource autologging requires PYSPARK_PIN_THREAD
environment variable to be set to false
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.statsmodels.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of metrics and parameters.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
Statsmodels |
user-specified metrics | parameters |
– |
MLflow Model (statsmodels.base.wrapper.ResultsWrapper) on training end |
Each model subclass that overrides fit expects and logs its own parameters.
Call the generic autolog function mlflow.xgboost.autolog()
before your training code to enable automatic logging of metrics and parameters.
Autologging captures the following information:
Framework |
Metrics |
Parameters |
Tags |
Artifacts |
XGBoost |
user-specified metrics |
xgboost.train parameters |
– |
MLflow Model (XGBoost model) with model signature on training end; feature importance; input example |
If early stopping is activated, metrics at the best iteration will be logged as an extra step/iteration.